Friday, September 28, 2012

D Dale Browning and Denny Dumler: Before Enron We Had Colorado National Bank

Thieves come in all packages but D Dale Browning and Denny Dumler conspired to turn their banking operation into a personal fortune and their torture and aabuse machine led by a sadistic war criminal named Paul Kellogg (who strafed and killed japanese civilians).

They considered the assets of Colorado National Bank to be their personal fortune and one in which they could play sadistic and sexually devient games on teenage boys while lying to their parents about their sons being educated and groomed as leaders.

To Be Continued....

2016: Salina Kansas.. The Future!

2016 sees a different Salina than the past 100 plus years have seen. Gone is the scar known as St John's Military School and it's hundred years of abuses at the hands of sociopaths.

In it's place we have a new mixed use development of residential, commercial and light industrial. Gone also are the bad memories of sadistic criminals like Paul Kellogg, D Dale Browning, Max Brooks, Al Ransom and George Stelljas.

Children in Salina can breathe easier. They too know that they won't be tortured and abused at the psuedo school.

Around the world we rejoice in teen liberty knowing that parents will no longer be intimidated and lied into throwing their sons away to scum like Paul Kellogg.